Watching Robert Bozquez be rewarded for his dedication to local families made me cry!
Flash back to 2015/2016 when the local Tool Library was getting off the ground, I met Robert for the first time. Already a positive local fixture to students and families who have met him through his Benjamin Elementary school job as chief custodian, Robert was passionate about addressing the nationwide problem of some children not having their own bed. I was gobsmacked to learn how great the need was even here in Bloomington – Normal, where it sometimes feels like we are overly blessed. Nope. And Mr. Bosquez and other volunteers were determined to fix the problem.
The annual Bed Blitz has grown each year, thanks to increased donations, volunteers, and awareness of its existence. But it is never enough. 2019 gave out 120 beds to local families, but the requests still outnumbered what they could provide.
2020, no Blitz due to Covid, but the 2021 campaign just got a great head start thanks to The Drew Barrymore TV Talk Show.
Robert taped a segment with Ms. Barrymore via Zoom earlier in the week, and we were able to watch it for the first time Thursday March 25th. He explained to Drew how this program provides families in need with beds and is surprised with incredible donations for his organization from brands like Simmons and Tuft & Needle to help him reach his goals!
Wanna watch what happened?
Mattress company Simmons donated 30 new twin mattresses, worth more than $7,000, and Tuft & Needle donated 30 new sheet sets! And, since they couldn’t let Robert leave unrewarded, Drew also announced that for Robert and his wife’s upcoming 25th anniversary, they would be receiving an all inclusive trip to Cozumel from IHG Hotels & Resorts. That is amazing!
Barrymore called Bosquez “a superhero saving the world one bed, one family, one whole set up at a time.”
Yep, she got that exactly right.
Susan Saunders 3/26/21