The FULL 2020-2021 winter weather forecast is out with the latest edition of The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
The most trusted long range future weather predictions come from the The Old Farmers Almanac, founded in 1782. If you have never read one, it is filled with interesting information and resources for every day of the year. (It’s not just about the weather). Wit and wisdom, folklore, gardening advice, moon phase info, recipes, astrology, and home remedies fill the pages online and in print.
Is it accurate? Well last year it predicted this summer to be extra hot in July but not August, with excess rainfall kicking off the summer and sometimes angering the farmers. That’s exactly what has happened!
So what is the winter prediction for our Central Illinois Area? Click HERE to see the pretty graphs and weather charts, but the gist is this: Combo of more wet than white, not so cold and not too wet.
What is causing this prediction? A combination of warming trends across the planet and low solar activity.
If you were hoping for a reprieve from harsh winter weather this year, we have some news that just might make you smile. We’re predicting a light winter for most of us here in the United States, with warmer-than-normal temperatures in the forecast for a large part of the country.
Uncommonly chilly temperatures will be limited mostly to the western states and northeastern New England. Specifically, winter will be colder than normal in Maine; the Intermountain, Desert Southwest, and Pacific Southwest regions; and eastern Hawaii and above normal elsewhere.
Our area crosses two zones that have specific predictions in the book, but they both say to expect a mild winter!
Finally, some good news.