Back in 2004 an “SJB Revocable Trust” was set up to manage her $60 million fortune and to set up the future for her sons. Britney was removed as a trustee in 2008 when she was put under a conservatorship with her father Jamie in control. Lynne now is calling for “special notice” of “all matters” having to do with Britney‘s trust.
See the legal docs HERE, compliments of THE BLAST
Fans have expressed concern over Britney’s conservatorship and have taken to social media with a “#FreeBritney” movement. More than 134,000 people have signed a petition to free Britney Spears from her conservatorship. It was recently extended to August 22, 2020. Some think she is sending secret messages asking for help through social media
Watching Britney on Instagram these last couple of days has been rough. I really do root for her to succeed and be happy, but she at times obviously needs supervision, but she needs it from people who love and care for her without profit. Best of luck Lynne!
Susan Saunders 7/15/20