NYC could temporarily bury COVID victims in parks

Officials in New York City are mulling the idea of burying COVID-19 victims – temporarily – in public parks.

“Soon we’ll start ‘temporary interment,'” Councilman Mark Levine, a Democrat from Manhattan, recently tweeted. “This likely will be done by using a NYC park for burials (yes, you read that right). Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line.”

“We may well be dealing with temporary burials, so we can deal with each family later,” NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said when asked Monday, The New York Post reports. “We will have the capacity for temporary burials. That’s all I’m going to say.”

New York City COVID deaths have topped 2,470 with nearly 65,000 testing positive. Makeshift morgues – keeping bodies frozen – will soon be full, according to Levine.