Some of The Worst People During The Pandemic [VIEW]

While we try to see the best in people during the Coronavirus pandemic, there are a few people out there that make us want to bonk them over the head with one of the 9 dozen toilet paper rolls they’re stockpiling.  Buzzfeed’s made a list of some of the pandemic’s worst, aside from the guy hoarding all the Purell.

Florida made the list a few times.  Crowds of party-goers decided they couldn’t stop bumping and grinding at Miami’s Winter Fest and now several of them have tested positive for Coronavirus.  I’m also wondering if the massive crowd at Clearwater Beach thought that salt water could wash away pathogens.

Then there are people who seem to think farm animals will be eradicated due to the virus, cause Buzzfeed fans shared pictures of people buying out gallons of milk and every single egg from one store.

The list of the pandemic’s worst goes on to include companies that won’t let people work from home, people who share fake news articles, people who don’t wash their hand and those who insist on keeping the gym open.  Like Ariana Grande tweeted “Your hip hop yoga class can wait.”

View the complete list HERE!