Big Brother Steps in When Father Doesn’t Show Up for Daddy-Daughter Dance

Even though her father had stood her up for last year’s big night, Covington, Georgia seven-year-old Skylar Hamerter told her mother “I want Daddy to take me this year.  I want everyone to know I have a daddy.”

As time got closer to the dance Skylar’s mom, Treylisia, began to worry.  Her ex stopped answering the phone days leading up to the dance, leaving Treylisia helplessly in tears saying “There was nothing I could do because I’m not male.”

But once Skylar’s 11-year-old brother, Christian, found out why their mother was crying he announced that he would take his sister to the dance to show her “that a man can keep his word and that she’s really special.”  Christian and his mother even bought a suit that matched Skylar’s dress just in case Dad was a no-show.

The evening of the daddy-daughter dance” Skylar’s father didn’t show.  Future husband material Christian wasted no time suiting up, escorting lil’ sis to the dance and having “a great time”, according to mom’s now viral Facebook post.