Most Millennials Are Intimidated by Plants

photochur from Pixabay

A survey by OnePoll reveals that millennials are intimidated by plants but also feel they add to their overall decor.

I have a house full of plastic plants and trees, but that’s because I have cats who can’t be trusted.

2,000 millennials between the age of 25-39 were polled and 67 percent feel that plants are harder to care for than they thought. Half of those surveyed don’t own plants because they don’t know how to care for them.


While millennial demand for houseplants is high, a poll of 2,000 millennials (aged 25–39) revealed that 67 percent say taking care of plants is more of a challenge than they bargained for.

Almost half don’t currently own plants because they don’t know how to take care of them — and 20 percent would sooner sit through a root canal than take care of a plant because of the pressure.

Among the concerns of “plant parents” is the amount of sunlight and water a plant should receive and how to prune a plant. Some fear killing the plant, however, millennials continue to add them to their space in order to boost mental and physical health.

Although intimidated, 7 out 10 millennials care for plants hoping that it will improve their own self-care and be a good indicator that they’re ready to move on to care for a pet.

Aileen LOVES her plants, and has created a very sweet video about being a first time plant owner with recommendations of beginner plants!

Be brave, and give yourself the gift of plants instead of flowers this year. Self care that keeps on giving!

Susan Saunders 1/27/20

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