Study Reveals Early Christmas Decorating Is Good for You

If you are getting grief for putting up lights and decorations before Thanksgiving, show them this!

Congratulations to those of us that have started decorating for Christmas right after Halloween, we are happier people according to a new study.

Inferences about homeowners’ sociability: Impact of christmas decorations and other cues” was recently published on

It is an elongated article full of a lot of extra credit words, but basically it says that people who decorate for Christmas are increasing their own joy. The study also suggests that Americans use holiday decorations to communicate their sociability and accessibility to neighbors, who appreciate you making the landscape lovelier for all.

Decorating early can trigger happy childhood memories and is a mood-booster, so you shouldn’t wait. Plus, going up on ladders and hanging lights around trees is much easier when the ground isn’t covered in snow.

Susan Saunders 11/04/19

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