Hi, I’m Faith, and I’m a Ranch Lover. Some might call me obsessed. But even I wouldn’t eat this…
Ranch dressing is one condiment that is unlike any other. No food is dared to be eaten without an un-godly amount of ranch all over it. Salads are really just ranch dressing with a side of lettuce. Pizza can’t be eaten without being drizzled on, or dunked in. If you are eating wings, the ratio should be = to, or > than, one side of ranch per wing.
If you don’t agree to all these things, then you aren’t a TRUE ranch fan.
HOWEVER, there are some things even a ranch connoisseur would never, ever, EVER do.
Ranch Flavored Pop Tarts.
That’s a big, fat NOPE!
Someone came up with the idea on twitter, complete with a mock up design of the box, and people haven’t stopped tagging me in it since.
People say you can put ranch on anything…. @PopTartsUS @HVRanch pic.twitter.com/vBhdomXcCM
— Kyle Heroff (@kheroff81) June 25, 2019
Hidden Valley Ranch was in favor of the move tweeting, “Hey @PopTartsUS – let’s have some fun and give the people what they want.” Pop-Tarts replied, “lol, No.”
When another person tweeted at Pop-Tarts to “make it happen, Pop-Tarts replied, “Delete Your Account.”
Just to be clear, these are not real. They won’t be showing up in a grocery store near you (Thank God!)
Are you really a ranch lover if you wouldn’t eat ranch flavored pop tarts? Asking for a friend.