Brushing Your Teeth Might Prevent Alzheimer’s

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Researchers in Norway have discovered that oral health and Alzheimer’s Disease are connected and feel like brushing your teeth regularly can help fight the disease.

Researchers at the University of Bergen have discovered a clear connection between gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

“We discovered DNA-based proof that the bacteria causing gingivitis can move from the mouth to the brain,” said researcher Piotr Mydel.
“Brush your teeth and use floss. If you have established gingivitis and Alzheimer’s runs in your family, go to your dentist and clean your teeth properly.”

Mydel also pointed out that the bacteria alone isn’t the only factor but just know that the presence of the bacteria can raise the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Based on their study, researchers found that gingivitis plays an important role in whether or not someone develops Alzheimer’s or not.

Good news is that this discovery is helping to create a treatment!

“We have managed to develop a drug that blocks the harmful enzymes from the bacteria, postponing the development of Alzheimer´s. We are planning to test this drug later this year, says Piotr Mydel.

Susan Saunders

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