Pixar’s new animation program SparkShorts has released its first short film PURL, which a not for kids story of a cussing ball of yarn learning to work in a very toxic workplace.
From PIXAR.com:
“The SparkShorts program is designed to discover new storytellers, explore new storytelling techniques, and experiment with new production workflows. These films are unlike anything we’ve ever done at Pixar, providing an opportunity to unlock the potential of individual artists and their inventive filmmaking approaches on a smaller scale than our normal fare.”
Jim Morris – President, Pixar Animation Studios
PURL was written and directed by Kristen Lester and produced by Gillian Libbert-Duncan, “and is based on Lester’s experiences in the very male-dominated field of animation. She explains more in this companion video.
Send this to video to your co-workers right away!
Susan Saunders 2/5/19