Davies here.
It’s Bachelor season!!! This year ABC has stepped up their game to make it more exciting for everyone to watch! Full disclosure, even though it’s season 23 of the show, I have never sat down and watched a single episode of the Bachelor or the Bachelorette. #SorryNotSory Susan and I will be having a running bet throughout the season, with some weekly wagers/prizes, and we want you to join us in the fun! #WBNQBachelor
Here’s how to sign up.
1) Go to the WBNQ Facebook page and find this link every Monday, click that link.
2) Clicking the Facebook link will take you here, the ABC Bachelor Fantasy League home page.
3) Enroll through Facebook, so you can play with your friends. (Also add Susan Saunders and John Davies as FB friends so you can play with them)
4) Once registered in Facebook, it will show you that weeks break down for points.5) Choose your #Squad.6) Take a screen shot so you can keep tabs of your team while watching that week’s episode!
Simple as that! WBNQ Bachelor Fantasy League 2019! I’m having way more fun with this than I’ll ever admit. Join us every Tuesday as we go over the Bachelor Backlash and everything you may have missed. On top of that, don’t forget to keep an eye out for the weekly wadgers between Susan and myself!