WTF News: School Teaching Lockdown Lullaby

Somerville, Massachusetts elementary school is teaching five-year-olds a ‘lockdown lullaby’ for school shootings.

The lyrics are based on ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ and read:

Lockdown, lockdown, Lock the door

Shut the lights off, Say no more

Go behind the desk and hide

Wait until it’s safe inside

Lockdown, lockdown it’s all done

Now it’s time to have some fun!

The school released a statement saying; “Students in Somerville and across the country know how unnatural this is, as evidenced by their vocal leadership and advocacy this year in response to continuing school shootings. Just like school fire drills, lockdown drills have sadly become a common practice in schools, and educators do everything they can to reduce students’ anxiety and stress.”