Phobia Or Not?

Youtube via Ellen

Everyday people claim that they have something new that they are scared of, let’s test that!

I’ll name a phobia, and find out if it’s real or not. Answers below, beware!

• Is Kathisophobia the fear of sitting down, or the fear of tall statues?

• Is Mottephobia the fear of slick surfaces, or the fear of moths?

• Is Heterophobia the fear of humans, or the fear of the opposite sex?

• Is Doraphobia the fear of dolls, or the fear of fur or skins of animals?

• Is Iophobia the fear of poison, or the fear of looking into space?

• Is Tomophobia the fear of surgery, or the fear of turkeys?


Kathisophobia is the fear of sitting down.

Mottephobia is the fear of of moths.

Heterophobia is the fear of the opposite sex.

Doraphobia is the fear of animals.

Iophobia is the fear of poison.

Tomophobia is the fear of surgery.