March For Babies 2017 Is Almost Here!

We’re getting ready to walk in March for Babies! It’s going to be a fun day with people in Blono who share a passion for making life happy and healthy for every baby! Join family teams, company teams and people walking with friends for a great cause: making a difference for real families right here in our community. Sign up and raise money to help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.


Date: Saturday, May 6, 2017
Time: 11:00AM
Registration Time: 10:00AM
The Chateau
1601 Jumer Dr.
Bloomington, IL 61704


Find out more at!


Here’s a little from Holly, a March Of Dimes Mom, on her experience with March Of Dimes.


“Our journey was remarkable, but it was not rare. In fact, I’ve learned since Rawley’s birth just how common such stories are. That’s why we support the March of Dimes. They are working to make stories like ours less common. No one should have to experience what we did. When we learned that the arch of Dimes funds research into the causes of prematurity, such as pPROM, we were sold. We’ve been regular donors since Rawley’s birth, just based on that. But they do so much more than just research to fight for families and babies. Their work is tangible, it’s measureable, it reduces health care costs, and it’s making a difference. Please join us in supporting their efforts!”