Man Turns Himself Into “Human Puppy” to Escape Reality

Tom Peters has sacrificed his relationship with his former fiancée, to live as a “human puppy.” He dresses like a dalmation, eats puppy treats, and uses puppy training pads. Tom does the interview from the floor

A London man, who only wants to be identified by his first name Tom, tells local news Channel 4 that he chose dressing as a dog over marrying his girlfriend.

The man tells the TV network that his hobby has cost him $6,000 and that he likes to be called Spot because he dresses like a Dalmatian. “You disappear, you start chasing puppy toys and people give you ear scratches and treat you like a puppy. You disappear so much into the head space that you don’t stop to think but you crave it and you want it and you wish for it. It’s magic, it just really is genuinely magic. I am strongly happily, proud of who I am and what I look like and I don’t care about what anyone else thinks.”

Human PuppyHuman Puppy