Study Reveals: Beards Are Hot, Stubble Is Not?



The only reason I rock the stubble is simple: I don’t want people to constantly joke about me looking 16. (At least not as much…)

However, this morning as I’m getting ready for my show I discovered a recent study that I had to find out if it’s true!


A survey by the University of New South Wales reveals that men with 10 days of beard growth are viewed by women as the sexiest. Men with 5 days of light stubble are viewed by women as the least sexy.

OK. SO. This is about 2 weeks for me, which should technically fall under the “sexy” category according to the study. However I fell like my facial hair grows at about half pace and this would probably reflect 5 days for the average bearded man. So what’s a guy to do? Just deal with the awkward un-sexy look in order to eventually be sexy? I personally think some stubble will always be hotter than clean shaven, so ladies, what do you think!?