Man Arrested After Filling Water Cup With Soda



You may have heard by now about the guy who asked for a water cup at McDonald’s then filled it with soda, resulting in his arrest for theft. When I first head this
I thought the same thing: What’s the big deal??? I mean he didn’t buy a soda, but it’s also not a big enough deal to be arrested for 3 cents worth of soda.

Well I guess they guy wasn’t so innocent after all, now that the full story is out:

The Springdale, Arkansas police recently arrested Cody Morris for stealing soda from a McDonalds. He and two friends ordered water in the drive-thru before walking into the restaurant and filling their cups with soda. When a manager confronted Cody, he refused to dump out the cola and walked to his car. The manager then tried to prevent Cody from leaving by standing behind this car. Cody hit the man not once, but twice while trying to drive away. The manager was unsuccessful in trying to grab the keys from the ignition. Cops arrived and charged Cody with felony robbery.

Did you catch that last line? Felony Robbery.

So the guy stole the soda…then hit the manager with his car twice trying to peace out. Was it a big deal? Should the manager have acted differently? Have you ever “stolen” soda before? I know I have…not since high school of course, but after today I don’t think I’d even want to risk it. How embarrassing is it to be arrested over a cup of soda? Just hope it was the best soda he’s ever had…