“Yooo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want!”

You guys…”Spice World” (the movie, not the place you buy curry powder) turned 18 this month, Emma “Baby Spice” Bunton just turned 40, AND the Spice Girls announced they will be doing a reunion tour this year (with or without Victoria Beckham “Posh Spice because she’s apparently too busy?)
Where were you when Spice World came out?
I was 18. A Senior in High School. Drum Major of my High School Marching Band. And pretending I didn’t love the Spice Girls, even though I had a button the size of my head hidden in my closet.
While the movie “Spice World” was in fact terrible, it was what the girls stood for that I still love today…”Girl Power”

Also, Ginger Spice and Baby Spice were my favorites, so I thought I would take this quiz to see “Which Spice Girl Are You?”
Weirdzies…I got Posh! Don’t mind if I do, David Beckham!
Anyway, I’ll leave you with this…