#TBT WBNQ The Scariest Thing I’ve Ever Done For The Morning Show [VIDEO]

PCC Scary Tour With Marc Burnett

In May of 2012, morning show co-host Ray Wagner and I were invited to tour the Peoria Civic Center with the director of Marketing Marc Burnett. Sounded like fun, as I had seen many shows and events there over the years, but had never gotten to go on “back stage” visit. We didn’t know what we might find, so we brought a flip video camera along just in case we wanted to share. (My new love at the time was my IPad2 with IMovie, which I enjoyed being dramatic with)

What we didn’t expect was to have the opportunity to go to the very top of the PCC arena. This is where a lot of people work running lights and props during big concerts and shows. After climbing what seemed like 1000 stair steps, we followed Marc out on a small platform. Heights had never bothered me before that moment, but after walking the grates, which really seem to completely disappear under your feet, I froze and started to panic.

Ray finished the walk on the grates with the video camera as I crawled on hands and knees back off them as quickly as possible, trying not to cry in front of our new friend. I was really freaked out! Looking back it seems silly to be that frightened as we were perfectly safe at all times, but it was a shock to the system I will never forget.

Side note: The amazing Marc Burnett passed away just a few months after this video was shot. He was the director of marketing for the Peoria Civic Center for over 12 years, and was “the face” of the Peoria Civic Center. I had just met him and was immediately ready to be a besty. Cancer takes away amazing people everyday.

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