Once upon a time, I went on a weekend trip to San Diego for a friend’s birthday.
All 6 of us ladies had a day at the spa planned as a trip highlight. When we entered, they showed us to a room to put our belongings away, and handed us towels and robes to be used AFTER we had out first treatments. We were suddenly all naked, and being led to another room where we were placed together into a giant hot tub holding tank, and were instructed to wait until each of our exfoliation treatments were completed.
One by one, they called out our names, and led us (still naked), to a rubber bed near the tub, where we were scrubbed down hard with brushes and sand on both sides of our bodies, then rinsed off with what looked like my garden hose, then sent back to the tub! There was a lot of nervous chatter and unusually strong eye contact during that hour.
6 women, who had never even seen each other topless before, were suddenly bonded forever. Nudity is a great equalizer.
Buzzfeed decided to recreate that moment where you see your BFF naked for the first time, and add in the comments we all kept to ourselves.
Hilarity includes one girl telling her friend that she should have “mad nipple confidence” and another complimenting her friend’s “womanly curves.”
Oh wait, they did a male version last year. Yes, lets watch!