I could do this, but I would be so hungry before it got done, that I would have eaten my arm off.
YouTube user Andy George shows the steps he took over six months to build a sandwich completely made from scratch. As the video shows, George’s steps included getting salt from the ocean, growing his own vegetables, harvesting wheat and processing it into flour, and butchering a chicken.
Andy has a whole channel devoted to making things from scratch
Today, getting what you need is as easy as a trip to the store. From food to clothing, energy, medicine, and so much more. In this TV series we will discover what it takes to make everything from scratch.
I spent 6 months and $1500 to completely make a sandwich from scratch. Including growing my own vegetables, milking a cow to make cheese, grinding my own flour from wheat, collecting my own honey, and killing a chicken myself.
Check out his teaser for episode two, going through the processes of trying to make a suit from scratch.
And after seeing that, I would be naked for a long time before I figured out how to wear anything other than fur and mud.