#Throwback Thursday: Faith Is the Ultimate 80’s & 90’s Child [VIDEO]

I love the 80's logo

Even though I was born in 1979, and was still kind of young in the 80’s, I managed to bring alot of the 80’s with me into the 90’s…

I love ALL 80’s movie’s, especially those starring Molly Ringwald, and can still sit and watch them all. day. long.


I teased my hair, loved jelly shoes, and jelly bracelets…

Jelly Bracelets

I rocked t-shirt clips, Reebok high tops with different colored scrunchy socks, and wore Electric Youth Perfume…

Electric Youth Perfume

My locker was filled with Lisa Frank and Sweet Valley Twins books…Here’s a throwback to a young Mila Kunis in one of her first commercial’s for Lisa Frank in the 90’s…

And at slumber parties my friends and I would play ‘Girl Talk’…

Girl Talk Boardgame

I will say I was torn as a teen…between my love for hair bands (Bon Jovi to be exact) and Pop music, so I bring you TWO of my favorite videos of all time…

Bon Jovi ‘Livin On A Prayer’

And Whitney Houston ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody’

Also, there is this…Silk Shirts. Be Nice!
