Facebook Fite Theatre: Kate Upton 1/27/15 [AUDIO]

Real Faceboook fights that REALLY happened. Yep.

Remember if you've seen a great facebook fight on your newsfeed, screen-shot that son-of-a-b and send it to us!



MANDY: Why does everyone keep saying I look like Kate Upton? I know I lost some weight but seriously? Kate Upton? What-evs! I think peeps are just trying to be nice. I'll never be in the same league as Kate Upton. The guys who said I look like Miss Upton were probably drunk or buzzed! Ok, off to the gym! Gotta try and live up to Kate Upton standards. #not #ImNomodel #Flattered #GymRat RAMONA: PLEASE STOP Mandy! Please!!! Stop with the desperate attempts here on Facebook. We get it! You look like a super model! You have never been fat. Quit acting like you're this insecure chubby chick! You're an over confident, arrogant skinny mitch that Facebook fishes daily. Some of us girls actually have weight issues. #QuitTryingSoHard MANDY: woe Ramona! What is your problem? Do not take your marital problems out on me. It's not my fault your husband left you for someone younger and more physically fit. Maybe you should look in the mirror and take better care of yourself. Did you ever think that the reason you can't keep a man is because you eat and live like a sloth? Just saying! You know I love ya though girl! RAMONA: nobody likes you! Not even your Family! Everybody wants you to break your ankle while running on your precious treadmill. You do not look like Kate Upton. You look more like her boyfriend Justin Verlander.