Facebook Fite Theatre: Crazy or Itchy Parts? 1/20/15 [AUDIO]

Image by Kristin

Written by: Afternoon Overdrive with Tim and Kristin

All of our Facebook Fites are exchanges that ACTUALLY happened over facebook, which makes them even more ridiculous! If you've seen a great facebook fight on your newsfeed that you'd like to hear us perform  send it to us!



Lissete: My roommate sucks! She smells like butt and belle peppers. Seriously girl brush your teeth. I can't wait when she moves out! Fml

Donna: really??? You trash me on Facebook? Real mature Lissete. You step in your dog's poo all the time and never wash your feet. Your bed has dog crap and meatloaf crumbs in it. That's how you sleep every night. You're the gross one honey!

Lisette: Your family must hate you. You really are the worst! Even my dog hates you. Next month can't come soon enough. You owe me so much money!

Donna: we were besties a month ago and out of the blue you change how you feel about me? You need to get back on your meds because you are acting Cray cray. Take your valtrax. Doesn't that help if you have mental problems? That's the bottle you have in your medicine chest. Oh wait, valtrax is for your itchy parts.

Lisette: This is slander! Seriously…don't come back to the apartment. Lawyer up mitch!!!