Facebook Fite Theatre: Chubby Phase 1/13/15 [AUDIO]

Image by Kristin

Blog by The Afternoon Overdrive with Tim and Kristin

Oh, you know how Facebook goes. You're just scrolling through your newsfeed for the 78th time today, when all of the sudden, you see someone post their drama. Better yet, someone calls them out on it and an argument ensues. 

This, my dear friends, is the beauty of Facebook Fite Theatre. So, like always, while you are looking at facebook (because we know you are), screen shot the good ones you see and send them to us! We'll keep our sources a secret and change the names… don't you worry!



Daisy: I know my girls feel me on this! If a man isn't man enough to stick with you through your chubby phase then he's no man at all! It's not my fault you were raised a selfish shallow jerk. I could of hooked up with your co worker Chris and never did. Now that you and I are through, I think I'm gonna call him. He's super cute and he probably won't get winded after 5 minutes of love making like you always did! Ladies, if your man don't treat you right…dump his ass. Do my girls feel me? Esp my chubby girls?


Dave: You shouldn't celebrate being overweight. Thats how my mom died. You need to take care of your body! Don't end up like my Mom. Don't end up dead. You have gained weight Daisy and maybe the person who called you overweight called you that because they care about you. IJS

Daisy: I don't even know how to respond to that Dave so I'll just ignore it. I'm not celebrating being overweight and your mom died 15 years ago. Let it go dude and get over it. We are sick of hearing dead mom references all the time. We all have people who die in our life. Not just you. PS MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!