Facebook Fite Theatre: Boob Job 12/16/14 [AUDIO]

Facebook Fite Theatre is always our favorite time of week. As always, if you a good one, be sure to send it to us. Names will, of course, be changed to protect well you.

Crystal: I feel old. Im turning 27 and I feel unsexy. I'm thinking about getting a boob job but is it so expensive. I really do want to get one and I want to get one soon. I just don't feel sexy anymore. Sorry. Having a insecure girl moment. We all have them lol

Amanda: You better not get a boob job. I let you borrow a 1000 dollars 10 months ago because you were in a tough spot. Then you went on a vacation two weeks later to Hawaii with a guy you didn't really even like. I want my money. If you can't pay back your debts…you shouldn't post about wanting to get a new set of boobs. It's actually really insulting. Esp when you have not made one mention of paying me back. sorry to bring this on facebook but you keep ignoring me.

Crystal: Why would you bring this up on Facebook is beyond me but you must be off your meds again. I don't owe you diddly poo. That was not a loan. That was you offering to help. I have carried you and put up with so much drama through the years that you should pay me 10 grand for emotional damages. PS The guy I went to Hawaii paid for everything else mitch. Get back on the meds sweetie.

Amanda: I hope you have a good lawyer because Im getting my money back you ungrateful brat