It makes us want to stand up and say the pledge of allegiance….
The Huffington Post claims an eBay seller named bballjuan (Juan) is selling a Cheeto that looks like a bald eagle. He wants $5,000 for the snack and hopes to use the money to finance his honeymoon.
He posted: “Found this unique piece while I was enjoying a yummy bag of hot Cheetos :). Looks like an American eagle on a branch/tree. Pieces has not been altered in any way. I have kept the piece in a Baggie, and out inside a plastic container. Happy bidding :). Shoot me an offer, I am trying to make some money in order to go on my honeymoon 🙂.”

$5,000 may be modest compared to what he could have cashed in a few months ago…
Earlier this summer, Frito-Lay created an online Cheetos museum dedicated to weird-looking Cheetos.
It was even offering up to $250,000 for the weirdest looking Cheeto. Currently, the museum is closed.