The St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Gives Hope


I have not been to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital but I can tell you that after meeting with families who’s children remain a part of the St. Jude family, and hearing story after story, that  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital gives HOPE.

I have a strong love for St. Jude and have been blessed for the last decade to be able to help raise money necessary to keep every facet of St. Jude running. I truly believe in the work that they do and the hope that is given to the beautiful, strong families of St. Jude.

Thankfully, my nephews and nieces remain strong and healthy and don’t need the services of the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital but it is remarkable to see and hear about the work that they are doing and the research that is being shared, that will continue to give hope and will continue saving lives all over the world, not only today but well into the future.

I think about the St. Jude kids and their parents often and in being a Partner in Hope, I receive that envelope every month with a picture of a child that is currently receiving treatment at the hospital as a reminder that what we  are doing, with your help, is a miracle. God bless each one of you who help us fight childhood cancer, not only in Memphis but right here in McLean County. Help us by becoming a Partner in Hope – call 1-800-374-4995.

Cody Signature