Cherpumple? Cake Pie or Pie Cake? I’m going with PIECAKEN for my first attempt at making a cake, stuffed with pie.(Like a Turducken, but so much sweeter)
Thanks to the world wide web of bloggers and videos, I have been given the confidence to try making this amazing dessert. Blogger Lisabeth, has put together a number of great, easy to follow piecaken recipes on her website. Including a Thanksgiving themed ‘Pumpkin Piecaken’ (short for Pumpkin-Pie-In-A-Vanilla-Cheesecake PIECAKEN).

So what you’ll need is:
A pumpkin pie
Vanilla cheesecake batter
Graham cracker crust
Milk chocolate and whipping cream for a ganache or dulce de leche caramel sauce and vanilla buttercream icing
Basic Instructions:
1. Make and fully bake an 8-inch pumpkin pie (or store bought) – in the foil pan.
2. Make a graham cracker crust. Press into a 10-inch springform pan. Bake for 12 minutes at 350 degrees.
3. Prepare Vanilla Cheesecake batter. Pour ½ inch on bottom of pan. Flip baked pie upside down into cheesecake (or right-side-up if possible). Pour the remaining batter on top and spread into and around the sides of the pie.
4. Bake for 40-45 minutes at 350 degrees.
5. Top with Milk Chocolate Ganache or Pumpkin-Spiced Icing and Dulce De Leche SauceIf you are buying your pumpkin pie, make the Graham Cracker Crust recipe below and then skip to the Vanilla Cheesecake Recipe and Assembling Your PIECAKEN instructions. (Click HERE for the full page and links needed)
Some of her ideas seemedlike something for a more advance baker than myself. Instead, I considered trying a pecan pie (store bought), inside a chocolate cake, thinking I had the most clever piecaken idea EVER! Turns out, Lisabeth has already perfected it.

Does that look amazing or what???
After getting many votes from many people, I decided to go straight forward and easy for my first try. I’m going for the cherry pie inside chocolate cake with German chocolate frosting. Similar to the photo at the top. Andy Corbin is going to be the official WBNQ taste tester on Monday, and that is also the flavor he wanted.
Here is a sweet ‘how to’ video I’m studying at the moment for more baking advice from YouTube Channel POPSUGAR Girls’ Guide.
Wish me luck! The results will be revealed Monday morning November 30, 2015